
Your Partners…

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Sean Sweeney, PE, CWS

Sean founded Headwaters Hydrology in 2007. He is a licensed professional engineer and certified wetland scientist with experience in hydrology, hydraulic engineering, fluvial geomorphology, wetland delineation and mitigation design, hydraulic and sediment transport analyses, precipitation runoff modeling, scour analyses, defining flood plains, bridge and culvert design, design of stormwater management infrastructure, erosion and sediment control design and monitoring, and State and Federal environmental permitting.


Tyler Phillips, CPESC, CFM, DSDS

Tyler has worked on hundreds of projects throughout New England over his 25 years in the industry and brings his experience and enthusiasm to every project. Tyler has a diverse background including serving for over a decade on local boards, and NH DES Rule making committees. He understands the science and regulatory processes and uses this knowledge to provide thoughtful, innovative designs that help you achieve your goals while avoiding delays in acquiring necessary permit approvals.


At Headwaters we consult with you to provide the individualized attention that your project deserves. Maybe this is your first time engaging a professional firm and you need help understanding the cause of a problem, an explanation of a couple types of solutions, and the cost of constructing it - we can assist you. Perhaps you are an experienced partner, who needs expert advice on the most efficient strategy to take a conceptual design through a regulatory labyrinth in a tight time frame-we can help you.